
Our library is available at disposal of not only students but to the teachers also during school hours. The whole classes receive at least an hour of library class every week. Students as present will probe the subsequent: Students need to develop enough life skills to become independent people, which copes with not enough information to learn is unacceptable. Books, computers, encyclopedias- they are one source of knowledge that they use to study and comprehend. Intelligence is built by them. A classroom having insufficient place for the mentioned stuff like textbooks,scrubs,study material or other is absolutely of no use to the students. Therefore learning resources develop academic and mental health of students and lecturers at education establishments Such libraries have a diverse collection of readings and research material that should be enough to provide a conducive and creative learning environment to the students. It also is a haven for specialty tutors as well as students working on their studies and projects. The contribution a school library makes to the development of students is of fundamental value to their total development.